August 3, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome back, Not Me Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

We did not take the girls to the beauty shop on Friday. That are not the cutest things I have ever seen when they get their haircut!! I did not take approximately 15 pictures of them in the car on the way home. I was not also driving at the same time :)

We did not finish the bookcases on Sunday!!!!!!!!! Pictures later this week.

I did not watch 3 episodes of Tori and Dean on Saturday. I did not seriously cry multiple times in each episode. And I most certainly did not cry when Dean finished his race and got certified for that motorcycle racing thing or whatever. I mean, why on earth would a person cry about that?

I did not watch 16 and Pregnant on MTV. I did not also cry during that show.

I did not watch the SYTYCD episode from 2 weeks ago because we are so far behind. And oh my gosh, I did not LOVE Melissa and Ade's dance about cancer. I did not cry during that dance.

I did not wonder what the heck is wrong with me for crying at everything!

I did not watch Lifetime movies while Lee was out golfing! I most certainly did not realize how much I miss watching Lifetime movies!

I did not eat 12 chocolate chip cookies on Saturday night. I would never do that, even if they were small cookies.


Jax said...

LOL!!! I need to get better at this not me Monday thing! This is hilarious! Hooray for bookcases and dude.. I've been crying a lot too. It's semi ridic. Also, I have determined taht if you've already joined a gym, fine.. But if you havent and want to join mine, we should meet sometimes and keep each other accountable. The sexy arm jiggle I have going on is really getting ridiculous. You're going to LOVE Wicked btw.. LOVE!!

katandkarl said...

i totally watched the Drop Dead Gorgeous series on Lifetime... the one were the pageant girl dies and comes back in a lawyer's body. AND i am going to keep on watching. HA. Lifetime.

Ashley said...

So I didn't even notice that you wrote gorgeous instead of diva :) And i also watched the first episode and immediately set the DVR for it!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Haha. I did not eat 12 cookies LAST sunday. Who would do such a thing?!? =)

In this wonderful life... said...

hahah I so watch lifetime and Tori and Dean too.. :)