November 4, 2009

I love surprises!

Yesterday evening, lee texted me that he was running late at work. This was not news to me, he has been working a little later the past week or so. (for the record I do not like it but no one asked my opinion) So I was like, okay whatever, and didn't even respond. Then he got home and was playing with the dogs for a while. Then he was like, "oh, I brought you something" and he threw a white square at me. I though tit was some stupid something he won at work or whatever. On the front it said "Ring.Ring.Ring" And this was on the inside!!

It's a gift card for an iPhone!!!! (I got the image from google, obviously my name is not emily) Yayayayay!!! I have been whining maturely asking for one for a loooong time. :) I bought him one when they very first came out! I currently have a MotoQ9h which was a corporate phone for my previous job and I will tell you that that phone is terrible!! And ever since I lost my charger over my wedding weekend, it has not charged the same with the new one.

We really never get each other surprises for no reason so this was really unexpected! I am going to pick it up tomorrow and then I will join this century!

Wahoo!! Now I can get personal email at work! And read my messages on facebook! I am very popular with the messages on facebook. And I can join Twitter! Yes, I have been wanting to do the twitter thing but I only want to write things while I'm on the go and my current piece of crap doesn't do so well with the internet. And I can play Scrabble with my friend! And! And! And!


Ashley @ KiwisandCocktails said...

WAIT. WHAT? Until now, you have not been able to check personal email at work? UGH! How horrible! YOU CLEARLY NEEDED THIS. and what a NICE and thoughtful husband you have. haha...maybe he made extra money with all those nights working late?! working late is Not ALWAYS a bad thing! :)

Amber said...

Girl, I am so jealous of you! I would almost kill for an iPhone :)

Jax said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!! Love it! I cannot wait to hear how you like it! I want one SO badly! SO badly!

{lauryl} said...

Congrats! I can't remember life before my iphone. Well, yes I can. I had a blackberry for a few years before the iphone. I really can't remember life before email on my phone, though. And just for the record, the phone waaaay eclipses the blackberry. Have fun!

Lindsey said...

YAY Congrats! I am thinking about getting an iphone, let me know what you think of it.=)

katandkarl said...

welcome to the club. it's nice on the inside.

Kaitlin said...

What a nice surprise!! Lee should drop a few hints to Stephen :)

brooke knight said...

that's an awesome present! congrats. the thing is like crack!

speaking of which, download words with friends free (it's scrabble) and play me! bak42!