Technically, I’m training for the Oklahoma City Memorial half, which is on April 28th. But this past weekend, our training program had us running 13 miles, and there happened to be a half marathon scheduled in our city that day. So, a few of us from my group figured, if we’re going to run 13 miles anyway, why not get a shirt and a medal while we’re at it?
So, I ran my first half marathon over the weekend :)
I have to say, I wasn’t nervous. People kept asking if I was. It was local, so I was familiar with the route. And it was going to be a super nice day, so that was a plus. I think it helps a LOT that I really don’t care much about my finishing time. I just want to enjoy the run and finish, period.
And, I did finish. :) I didn’t really have a “goal” time, but I did have an estimated time I thought I should finish, given my usual pace (15min/mi). I thought I’d finish in about 3:30, and I ended up finishing in 3:13! So I was really happy with that. Especially with the killer wind we had to run against for the entire second half. I have never run in that forceful of a wind.
Like I have said before, I’m a slow runner, and I’m definitely okay with that. Truthfully, I think I’m too lazy to try and be faster, haha. HOWEVER, I did have a little womp womp moment when I looked at the official results. I think there were only 22 people behind me, out of 450ish. So, you know, not to say that in the FUTURE I won’t try for a certain finish time. ;)
But, that’s not the point, right? I had a great time and felt so accomplished.
My favorite running partner, Maggie.
My peeps! I tried to get Cooper to run the last .1 with me, but he was getting sick and wanted nothing to do with me.
Hooray!! The half that I have been training for is in just a few weeks, then I am taking a few months off to hopefully completely heal my leg that I injured a few months ago. (I had not run more than 3 miles in the last month before this weekend) Then, I am training for another half in November with some friends from work.
I still don’t like running though, ha!